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NRFU Testing

We also provide specific NRFU functionality which allows users to run NRFU tests against their network by using Vane. This functionality can be utilized by connecting Vane to the network in 3 different ways as follows:

  • Running Vane locally

    1. Connecting to devices locally (via a device ip text file)
    2. Connecting to devices via a CVP instance (by providing the CVP ip)
  • Running Vane as a CVP Application

    1. Connecting to devices by running Vane as a CVP container

NRFU Test cases supported in Vane


The list of supported NRFU test cases can be found here

I. Running Vane locally

Executing the below command will prompt for EOS device/CVP credentials (which should be the same)

vane --nrfu

After entering those, you will be prompted as follows:

Do you wish to use CVP for DUTs?

a. Local Execution without CVP

If you answer No, it will prompt you as follows:

Please input Name/Path of device list file (.txt) (Use tab for autocompletion):

Once you enter the path to a file with device ip’s, it will prompt you for a test directory as follows:

Do you want to specify a test case directory [y|n]: 

If you answer n/no, it will default to the nrfu_tests folder in vane, if yes it will further prompt you as follows:

Please specify test case directory <path/to/test case dir> (Use tab for autocompletion):


Following which Vane will start executing the nrfu test cases on the devices whose ip’s were provided in the device file.

b. Local Execution with CVP

If you answer Yes, it will prompt you as follows:

Please input CVP IP address

Given you authenticate in successfully after providing the address, it will prompt you for the test directory as earlier.


After which Vane will start executing the test cases on your devices managed through CVP.

II. Running Vane as a CVP Application


If you have the initialized vane-cvp setup, then skip to the second part of Step 7, if not then follow from Step 1

Step 1: Download the vane-cvp-rpm from the vane repo

To download the vane-cvp-rpm, select the most recent successful build, which would be the one at the top with a green checkmark, over here.



Then download the rpm from the artifacts section


You need to be signed into your github account to be able to download this

The package is downloaded as a zip archive.

Step 2: scp the zipped rpm file from your local device to your cvp instance

The file should be copied into the root directory on the cvp instance.

scp /file/path/vane-cvp-<version-info>.zip root@<cvp_ip>:/root


scp /Users/rewati/Downloads/ root@

Step 3: Ssh into cvp instance

Log into the cvp instance as the root user.

ssh root@<cvp_ip>

Step 4: Unzip and untar the copied package in the root user's home directory


Use tab completion after typing the unzip command, then use a wildcard on the filename for the tar command to avoid having to type out or copy the filename correctly, since the .tgz file is slightly different than the zip file name.

The command and its output will look as follow:

[root@<cvp_ip> ~]# unzip && tar xzvf vane-cvp*.tgz
inflating: vane-cvp-1.1.0rc2.tgz

Step 5: Change to the newly created directory

Inside the directory, there will be the vane-cvp rpm package and 3 executable shell scripts.

[root@<cvp_ip> ~]# cd vane-cvp-1.1.0rc2
[root@<cvp_ip> vane-cvp-1.1.0rc2]# ls -1

Step 6a: Run the script to install vane and start the container

This installs the RPM, enables the extension in CVP, starts the extension and checks the status of the extension, then disables the extension.


Disabling the extension does not stop the extension from running. It is still active and can be used. Disabling the extension prevents the extension from starting automatically the next time CVP is stopped and restarted, e.g. after a reboot or a manual stop and restart of CVP. This is to help prevent the Vane extension from loading after a reboot, which should help prevent issues during a CVP upgrade.


Although the extension is disabled and this should help during a CVP upgrade process, the suggested process is to always uninstall the Vane CVP extension see step 6c before proceeding with the CVP upgrade.

[root@<cvp_ip> vane-cvp-1.1.0rc2]# ./


Install the rpm

<lots of output removed>


Action Output
vane-cvp      disable      primary   (E) DONE       -


-- Vane CVP extension installed --

Step 6b: Restarting the Vane extension after a CVP shutdown (optional)

If the CVP instance is stopped for any reason (reboot, manually stopped by cvpi commands, etc), the Vane extension will not be restarted when CVP is restarted. To restart the Vane extension after CVP is running again, cd into the same directory where the rpm package and the 3 shell scripts are located and run the script. This script is nearly identical to the script with the exception of not performing the rpm installation. It enables and starts the extension, then verifies the status of the extension, and finally disables (without stopping) the extension, as before.

cd path_to_directory_containing_rpm_package



This step assumes that the extension has been previously installed by Step 6a successfully, and this is only to restart the extension.

Step 6c: Uninstalling the Vane extension (optional)

Uninstalling the Vane CVP extension is highly recommended before performing an upgrade to either the extension itself or to CVP.

To uninstall the extension, cd into the same directory where the rpm package and the 3 shell scripts are located and run the script. This script will stop and disable the extension if it is running, remove any containers associated with the extension, and uninstall the extension from the CVP subsystem.

cd path_to_directory_containing_rpm_package



The /cvpi/apps/vane-cvp/vane-data directory that is associated with the container is not removed, so any data that you may have stored in the shared location is still preserved.

Step 7: Get a command shell in the vane-cvp extension container

To run Vane, we need to be in the container that is running the vane-cvp extension. To enter the vane-cvp container, exec into the container using kubectl.

kubectl exec -it <vane-cvp-container-id> -- /bin/bash


To get the vane-cvp-container-id start typing ‘vane’ and hit tab to trigger the tab-completion which should fill in the name of the vane-cvp container. The container id should be something like vane-cvp-667699998-m42gh.

If returning to a previously initialized vane-cvp setup, you will need to first log into the CVP host, before exec’ing into the vane-cvp container.

ssh root@<cvp_ip>
kubectl exec -it <vane-cvp-container-id> -- /bin/bash


If the tab completion doesn't work, an alternative form of the kubectl exec command can be run as

kubectl exec -it `kubectl get pods | grep vane-cvp | awk '{print $1}'` -- /bin/bash
where the commands in the backticks will dynamically get the container id.

Step 8: Activate Vane shell

After the above command, if everything is successful you will be greeted with a prompt as follows, after which if you type activate, you will enter the vane virtual environment


Step 9: Executing Vane

Now you are good to run Vane on the Nrfu tests

vane --nrfu

Executing the above command will prompt for EOS device/CVP credentials (which should be the same)

After entering those, it will identify that you are running Vane as a CVP application and show the following prompt

Using CVP to gather duts data

Given CVP authentication is successful, it will prompt you the following:

Do you want to specify a test case directory [y|n]: 

If you answer n/no, it will default to the nrfu_tests folder in vane, if yes it will further prompt you

Please specify test case directory <path/to/test case dir> (Use tab for autocompletion):


Look into this section to learn how you can import your own customized, nrfu/non-nrfu, test cases in this working environment


After which Vane will start executing the test cases on your devices managed through CVP