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Via Python Virtual Environment

Vane can be installed using venv which is a module in Python's standard library (as of Python 3.3) that provides support for creating lightweight, isolated Python environments.

The following steps should get you started:

Clone the Vane Repository

git clone

Enter the Project Root Directory and Create a Virtual environment

cd vane
python3 -m venv venv

Activate the Virtual Environment

source venv/bin/activate

Install the requirements

pip install .


You might have to exit and enter the venv again for the installation changes to reflect. Additionally, for any source code change to reflect in the virtual environment, the above command needs to be issued every time after the change.

Vane is now ready to be executed and the prompt will look as follows:

(venv) vane #
(venv) vane # vane --help


To exit out of the virtual environment execute the following command:



Now that you are all set up, navigate to the Executing Vane Section to learn about how to use Vane and its different commands to execute test cases on your network.