A grpc-web client for requesting CloudVision data from the frontend. This libraries exposed functions and utils that convert the grpc-web calls to Observable streams that can be manipulated using RXJS.
The package expects protobuf definitions to be generated via ts-proto
npm install cloudvision-grpc-web
yarn install cloudvision-grpc-web
import { fromResourceGrpcInvoke } from 'cloudvision-grpc-web';
import { DeviceServiceGetAllDesc, DeviceStreamRequest } from '../generated/arista/inventory.v1/services.gen';
const requestAllMessage = DeviceStreamRequest.fromPartial({});
const grpcRequest = fromResourceGrpcInvoke(DeviceServiceGetAllDesc, {
host: 'http://cvphost',
request: { ...requestAllMessage, ...DeviceServiceGetAllDesc.requestType },
// Will print out each data message as it arrives
next: (val) => console.log('data', val))
// Will print out any Grpc metadata or errors as they happen
next: (val) => console.log('control message', val))