
namespace eos


void default_signal_handler(int signal)

A reference to the default signal handler.

This handler is installed for SIGTERM and SIGINT so agents cleanly exit the event loop upon receiving those signals. This function is exposed for agents that install their own signal handlers. If desired, the agent can call this function from its new signal handler, or re-install this if it no longer wants to use a custom signal handler.

void internal_connection_buffer_size_is(uint32_t bytes)

It should be used for specific applications that attempt to do large numbers of updates without yielding to the event loop. It should only be rarely used, and future versions of EOS will eliminate the need for this method entirely. At that point, this method will be removed, so please contact the EOS SDK developers before using this method.

To use, call this method at the beginning of your on_initialized() callback.

This method takes in a number of bytes that the buffer should be. By default, this buffer size is set to 8.3 MB (which the kernel doubles to 16.7 MB) - the max kernel buffer size.

Unlike setsockopt, the number of bytes you pass to this function is NOT doubled for setting the actual socket buffer size. Note though that the new buffer size may not exactly match the requested buffer size, but we guarantee that it the new size is at least as big as the requested size.

class sdk_scoped_lock
#include <sdk.h>

The following lock lets multiple threads use the SDK simultaneously. This lock uses the RAII idiom; in multithreaded environments, instantiate an eos::sdk_scoped_lock before using any eos::sdk features. Users do not need to grab a lock if they only have one thread, or if they perform all operations on the SDK from the thread which owns the `main_loop`, as the SDK grabs the lock before calling any *_handler callbacks and before performing any internal bookkeeping. Do note that the lock is re-entrant, so attempting to grab the lock twice is fine. Example usage:

Thread 1: running sdk.main_loop()

Thread 2: { // Start a new scope to hold the lock eos::sdk_scoped_lock ssl; sdk.get_agent_mgr()->status_set(“Look”, “I can interact with Sysdb!”); } // End the scope, causing the sdk_scoped_lock to be destructed and released

Public Functions


Private Members

void * lock
class sdk
#include <sdk.h>

Manages the different managers of the SDK. One manager of each type can be linked to a SDK object.

As managers must be initialized at the beginning of the program, the init_*_mgr() functions should be called for any managers you plan to use. Since the get_*_mgr() functions also call their respective init_*_mgr() functions if necessary, accessing the managers at the beginning of the code (before the agent_loop is called) is enough to initialize them.

Public Functions


Constructs a top level SDK object.

This constructor will read the AGENT_PROCESS_NAME environment variable to determine the operational name of the agent. When running this agent via the CLI, this variable will be set automatically. If running an agent that uses this constructor manually, the AGENT_PROCESS_NAME variable must be set.

sdk(std::string const agent_name, void * eossdk_context = NULL)

Construct an SDK object with an explicitly set name. If running an agent using this constructor from the CLI, note that the name used here must match the name used in the CLI configuration.

virtual ~sdk()
virtual void initialize_context()
virtual std::string name()

Return the name of this SDK object.

This variable is used to register the process with EOS’s various agent services, including the process name, the name used in the log file, as well as the namespace for custom agent configuration and status.

virtual void main_loop(int argc, char ** argv)

Begin the agent’s event loop.

This function initializes the underlying infrastructure for your agent. It first registers itself as an EOS agent, then synchronizes any needed state with Sysdb, and finally starts the event loop. Before this function is called, no managers are valid (as no state has been synchronized with Sysdb), and no handlers will be triggered (as the event loop is not running). This function will not return unless the agent is disabled or it explicitly calls the agent_mgr’s exit() code.

virtual void init_acl_mgr()
virtual void init_agent_mgr()
virtual void init_aresolve_mgr()
virtual void init_class_map_mgr()
virtual void init_decap_group_mgr()
virtual void init_directflow_mgr()
virtual void init_eth_intf_mgr()
virtual void init_eth_lag_intf_mgr()
virtual void init_eth_phy_intf_mgr()
virtual void init_eth_phy_intf_counter_mgr()
virtual void init_event_loop()
virtual void init_fib_mgr(mgr_mode_type_t mode = MODE_TYPE_READ_ONLY)
virtual void init_hardware_table_mgr()
virtual void init_intf_mgr()
virtual void init_intf_counter_mgr()
virtual void init_ip_intf_mgr()
virtual void init_ip_route_mgr()
virtual void init_lldp_mgr()
virtual void init_mac_table_mgr()
virtual void init_mlag_mgr()
virtual void init_mpls_route_mgr()
virtual void init_neighbor_table_mgr()
virtual void init_nexthop_group_mgr()
virtual void init_policy_map_mgr()
virtual void init_subintf_mgr()
virtual void init_system_mgr()
virtual void init_timeout_mgr()
virtual void init_vrf_mgr()
virtual acl_mgr * get_acl_mgr()
virtual agent_mgr * get_agent_mgr()
virtual aresolve_mgr * get_aresolve_mgr()
virtual class_map_mgr * get_class_map_mgr()
virtual decap_group_mgr * get_decap_group_mgr()
virtual directflow_mgr * get_directflow_mgr()
virtual eth_intf_mgr * get_eth_intf_mgr()
virtual eth_lag_intf_mgr * get_eth_lag_intf_mgr()
virtual eth_phy_intf_mgr * get_eth_phy_intf_mgr()
virtual eth_phy_intf_counter_mgr * get_eth_phy_intf_counter_mgr()
virtual event_loop * get_event_loop()
virtual fib_mgr * get_fib_mgr(mgr_mode_type_t mode = MODE_TYPE_READ_ONLY)
virtual hardware_table_mgr * get_hardware_table_mgr()
virtual intf_mgr * get_intf_mgr()
virtual intf_counter_mgr * get_intf_counter_mgr()
virtual ip_intf_mgr * get_ip_intf_mgr()
virtual ip_route_mgr * get_ip_route_mgr()
virtual lldp_mgr * get_lldp_mgr()
virtual mac_table_mgr * get_mac_table_mgr()
virtual mlag_mgr * get_mlag_mgr()
virtual mount_mgr * get_mount_mgr()
virtual mpls_route_mgr * get_mpls_route_mgr()
virtual neighbor_table_mgr * get_neighbor_table_mgr()
virtual nexthop_group_mgr * get_nexthop_group_mgr()
virtual policy_map_mgr * get_policy_map_mgr()
virtual subintf_mgr * get_subintf_mgr()
virtual system_mgr * get_system_mgr()
virtual timeout_mgr * get_timeout_mgr()
virtual vrf_mgr * get_vrf_mgr()

Private Functions

void init_mount_mgr()
void init_intf_mgr_helper()
intf_mgr_helper * get_intf_mgr_helper()

Private Members

acl_mgr * acl_mgr_
agent_mgr * agent_mgr_
aresolve_mgr * aresolve_mgr_
class_map_mgr * class_map_mgr_
decap_group_mgr * decap_group_mgr_
directflow_mgr * directflow_mgr_
eth_intf_mgr * eth_intf_mgr_
eth_phy_intf_mgr * eth_phy_intf_mgr_
eth_phy_intf_counter_mgr * eth_phy_intf_counter_mgr_
eth_lag_intf_mgr * eth_lag_intf_mgr_
event_loop * event_loop_
fib_mgr * fib_mgr_
hardware_table_mgr * hardware_table_mgr_
intf_mgr_helper * intf_mgr_helper_
intf_mgr * intf_mgr_
intf_counter_mgr * intf_counter_mgr_
ip_intf_mgr * ip_intf_mgr_
ip_route_mgr * ip_route_mgr_
lldp_mgr * lldp_mgr_
mac_table_mgr * mac_table_mgr_
mlag_mgr * mlag_mgr_
mount_mgr * mount_mgr_
mpls_route_mgr * mpls_route_mgr_
neighbor_table_mgr * neighbor_table_mgr_
nexthop_group_mgr * nexthop_group_mgr_
policy_map_mgr * policy_map_mgr_
subintf_mgr * subintf_mgr_
system_mgr * system_mgr_
timeout_mgr * timeout_mgr_
vrf_mgr * vrf_mgr_
std::string name_
void * eossdk_context_


friend class mount_mgr

Type definitions in sdk


doxygenfile: Found multiple matches for file “eos/types/sdk.h

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