
MAC address table management module.

This module offers a MAC address table manager, used to define MAC addresses in system configuration.

This module also offers a handler that provides notifications when a MAC address has been learned (or forgotten).

Please refer to examples/SimpleMac.cpp for an example.

namespace eos
class mac_table_handler
#include <mac_table.h>

Handler for the MAC table.

This handler provides notifications when MAC addresses are learned on or removed from an interface. Note: This handler currently only provides notifications for unicast MAC addresses.

Public Functions

mac_table_handler(mac_table_mgr * mgr)
mac_table_mgr * get_mac_table_mgr() const
void watch_all_mac_entries(bool)

Registers this class to receive change updates from the MAC table.

Expects a boolean signifying whether notifications should be propagated to this instance or not.

void watch_mac_entry(mac_key_t const & key, bool)

Registers this class to receive change updates on the given MAC entry.

Expects the key of the corresponding MAC address and a boolean signifying whether notifications should be propagated to this instance or not.

virtual void on_mac_entry_set(mac_entry_t const & entry)

This handler is called when a unicast MAC entry is learned for the first time, or when a unicast MAC entry has moved to a different interface.

virtual void on_mac_entry_del(mac_key_t const & key)

This handler is called when a unicast entry is removed from the MAC address table.

class mac_table_iter_t

Private Functions

mac_table_iter_t(mac_table_iter_impl * const)


friend class mac_table_iter_impl
class mac_table_status_iter_t

Private Functions

mac_table_status_iter_t(mac_table_status_iter_impl * const)


friend class mac_table_status_iter_impl
class mac_table_mgr
#include <mac_table.h>

Manager for the MAC address table.

Public Functions

virtual ~mac_table_mgr()
virtual mac_table_iter_t mac_table_iter() const = 0

Iterator for all configured MAC addresses.

virtual mac_table_status_iter_t mac_table_status_iter() const = 0

Iterator for the MAC address table.

virtual mac_entry_t mac_entry(mac_key_t const & key) const = 0

Retrieves a mac_entry_t given the VLAN and MAC address key from the collection of configured entries.

This entry contains the interface (or, for multicast entries, the interfaces) that the given key was configured on. If the entry has not been configured, an empty mac_entry_t() is returned.

  • mac_key_t -

    The MAC address key object, consisting of a VLAN and a MAC address, which are used to retrieve that unique MAC entry.

virtual mac_entry_t mac_entry(vlan_id_t vlan, eth_addr_t mac) const = 0

Returns a mac_entry_t given a VLAN and MAC address from the collection of configured entries.

virtual mac_entry_t mac_entry_status(mac_key_t const & key) const = 0

Retrieves a mac_entry_t given the VLAN and MAC address key from the collection of entries either learned dynamically or explicitly configured.

This entry contains the interface (or, for multicast entries, the interfaces) that the given key has been learned on. If the entry has not been learned, an empty mac_entry_t() is returned. Note: At this time, a multicast MAC entry’s status directly mirrors its configuration and does not reflect whether or not the entry has been programmed into hardware.

  • mac_key_t -

    The MAC address key object, consisting of a VLAN and a MAC address, which are used to retrieve that unique MAC entry.

virtual mac_entry_type_t type(mac_key_t const & key) const = 0

Returns the type of the programmed MAC entry.

virtual uint32_t moves(mac_key_t const & key) const = 0

Returns the number of times the MAC entry has moved.

virtual seconds_t last_move_time(mac_key_t const & key) const = 0

Returns the time at which the MAC entry last moved (since boot).

virtual void mac_entry_set(mac_entry_t const & entry) = 0

Configure a MAC address statically as “learned” on a given interface (or set of interfaces for multicast MAC entries).

virtual void mac_entry_del(mac_key_t const & key) = 0

Remove a MAC entry with the given key from the collection of entries that were either learned dynamically or configured explicitly.

Protected Functions


Private Members



friend class mac_table_handler

Type definitions in mac_table


doxygenfile: Found multiple matches for file “eos/types/mac_table.h

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