
Module for LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol).

This module is in BETA. APIs that we expose here are subject to change in future minor and patch releases. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

LLDP is a link layer protocol that sends “TLVs” across the link, allowing devices to advertise their identities and properties over a network. The protocol is uni-directional (no acks).

This module provides access to information learned from neighbors directly connected via Ethernet interfaces. It can also provide proprietary information to those neighbors via “Organizationally defined TLVs”. The mandatory info exchanged over the link are the interface’s name, the chassis ID, the system name and the management port address (over which more information can be gleaned via protocols such as SNMP). The protocol has to be enabled per interface and per direction. On EOS, LLDP is disabled by default, but once enabled (cli: “lldp run”), all interfaces are enabled bi-directionally by default.

The type of an LLDP TLV is composed of a 24 bit organization (vendor/manufacturer) number assigned by IEEE (also called OUI: organizationally unique identifier), and a subtype which is managed by that organization. That’s the lldp_tlv_type_t. When you add the payload (of 0-507 octets) you get a TLV.

When enabled, EOS transmits these TLVS on an interface (if they apply)

  • Chassis ID & Port ID (mandatory)
  • Port Description
  • System Name
  • System Description
  • System Capabilities (bridge and router)
  • Management Address
  • Port Vlan ID (802.1; vlan ID of untagged frames: default/native vlan)
  • Maximum Frame Size (802.3)
  • Link Aggregation (802.3)
  • MAC/Phy config/status info (802.3; speed auto-negotiation)

namespace eos
class lldp_handler
#include <lldp.h>

Handler class to notify of changes in LLDP. In the handler context, “tlv” means received tlv.

Public Functions

lldp_handler(lldp_mgr *)
lldp_mgr * get_lldp_mgr() const

Returns the associated lldp_mgr.

virtual void on_lldp_intf_set(intf_id_t intf)

Called when a neighbor starts sending LLDP information. `intf` refers to the local interface that this information was received on.

virtual void on_lldp_intf_del(intf_id_t intf)

Called when a neighbor’s LLDP information ages out (or is disconnected).

virtual void on_lldp_intf_change(intf_id_t intf)

Called when the remote information has changed and all has been updated; this can be used as an alternative to reacting to each single callback provided below.

virtual void on_lldp_chassis_id(intf_id_t intf, lldp_chassis_id_t name)

Called when the remote’s “chassis ID” changed (mandatory TLV).

virtual void on_lldp_intf_id(intf_id_t intf, lldp_intf_id_t name)

Called when the remote’s “interface ID” changed (mandatory TLV).

virtual void on_lldp_system_name(intf_id_t intf, std::string const & name)

Called when the remote’s “system name” changed.

virtual void on_lldp_system_description(intf_id_t intf, std::string const & desc)

Called when the remote’s “system description” changed.

virtual void on_lldp_intf_description(intf_id_t intf, std::string const & descr)

Called when the remote’s “interface description” changed.

virtual void on_lldp_default_vlan(intf_id_t intf, vlan_id_t vlan)

Called when the remote’s “default vlan” changed.

virtual void on_lldp_management_vlan(intf_id_t intf, vlan_id_t vlan)

Called when the remote’s “management vlan” changed.

virtual void on_lldp_max_frame_size(intf_id_t intf, uint32_t size)

Called when the remote’s “maximum transmission unit” changed.

virtual void on_lldp_management_address(intf_id_t intf, std::list< lldp_management_address_t > const & info)

Called when the remote’s “management address” changed.

virtual void on_lldp_lacp(intf_id_t intf, lldp_lacp_t const & info)

Called when the remote’s “link aggregation config/status” changed.

virtual void on_lldp_phy(intf_id_t intf, lldp_phy_t const & info)

Called when the remote’s “phy negotiation config/status” changed.

virtual void on_lldp_tlv_set(intf_id_t intf, lldp_tlv_type_t type, std::string const & data)

Called when a new TLV type is received, or its content has changed.

virtual void on_lldp_tlv_del(intf_id_t intf, lldp_tlv_type_t type)

Called when a TLV type previously received is now absent from advertisements.

virtual void on_lldp_tx_timer(uint32_t seconds)

Called when a transmission timer value change became effective.

virtual void on_lldp_hold_time(uint32_t seconds)

Called when a hold timer value change became effective.

virtual void on_lldp_intf_enabled(intf_id_t intf, lldp_intf_enabled_t status)

Called when an LLDP interface status change became effective.

class lldp_mgr
#include <lldp.h>

A manager for LLDP information.

Create one of these via sdk.get_lldp_mgr() prior to starting the agent main loop. When your eos::agent_handler::on_initialized virtual function is called, the manager is valid for use. In manager context, “tlv” means received tlv. What is sent it called tx_tlv.

Public Functions

virtual ~lldp_mgr()
virtual void enabled_is(bool) = 0
virtual bool enabled() const = 0
virtual void intf_enabled_is(intf_id_t intf, lldp_intf_enabled_t enable) = 0

Enable LLDP on an interface – on by default. LLDP is unidirectional, so enablement can be split by direction.

virtual lldp_intf_enabled_t intf_enabled(intf_id_t intf) const = 0
virtual void tx_timer_is(uint32_t seconds) = 0

The LLDP transmit timer specifies how often TLVs are sent (aka “refreshed”), in seconds, default 30s, range 5-32768

virtual int tx_timer() const = 0
virtual int hold_time() const = 0

The LLDP holding time determines how long the recipient of our TLVs should keep them un-refreshed, in seconds, default 120s, range 10-65535. This is sent to the neighbor as the “ttl” value (this holding time limit is imposed on our neighbor, has no effect locally).

virtual void hold_time_is(uint32_t seconds) = 0
virtual lldp_chassis_id_t chassis_id(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

Get the chassisID of the remote interface (< 255 octets).

virtual lldp_intf_id_t intf_id(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

Get the port ID of the remote interface (< 255 octets).

virtual std::string intf_description(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

interface description: max string size 255, empty if not rx-ed

virtual std::string system_name(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

sysname: max string size 255, empty if not rx-ed

virtual std::string system_description(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

sysdescr: max string size 255, empty if not rx-ed

virtual lldp_syscap_t system_capabilities(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

system capabilities bitmap, ‘other’ if not rx-ed

virtual vlan_id_t default_vlan(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

The default vlan ID (vlan-id for untagged packets); 0 if none or not rx-ed.

virtual vlan_id_t management_vlan(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

The vlan-id on which the managment interface is available; 0 if none.

virtual uint32_t max_frame_size(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

The max frame size on the link; 0 if not rx-ed.

virtual lldp_lacp_t lacp(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

Port-channel this interface is member of (and capability/status) !value returns false if this tlv was not received.

virtual std::list< lldp_management_address_t > management_address(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

management info (address, snmp-ifindex, sysDescr-oid) !value returns false if this tlv was not received. The type of address (and its encoding) is described using IANA’s AddressFamilyNumbers, which is available here: http://www.iana.org/assignments/ianaaddressfamilynumbers-mib/ ianaaddressfamilynumbers-mib. In EOS’s case, the address family is an IPV4 address.

virtual lldp_phy_t phy(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

The mac phy config status info (auto-negotiation) !value returns false if this tlv was not received.

virtual void tx_tlv_set(intf_id_t intf, lldp_tlv_type_t type, std::string const & data) = 0

Send a/multiple application defined TLV on a interface. Transmission will occur every tx_timer until revoked.

virtual void tx_tlv_del(intf_id_t intf, lldp_tlv_type_t type) = 0
virtual std::string tlv(intf_id_t intf, lldp_tlv_type_t type) const = 0
virtual bool tlv_exists(intf_id_t intf, lldp_tlv_type_t type) const = 0
virtual std::map< lldp_tlv_type_t, std::string > tlvs(intf_id_t intf) const = 0

Get en-block (there is no iterator, cannot be many given mtu limit this includes all “organizationnally defined TLVs” (owned by this app or not)

Protected Functions


Private Members



friend class lldp_handler

Type definitions in lldp


doxygenfile: Found multiple matches for file “eos/types/lldp.h

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