Counter service.
rpc counters(EthPhyIntfCountersRequest) EthPhyIntfCountersResponse
Gets the current counters of the given ethernet interface.
EOS SDK reference: eos::eth_phy_intf_counter_mgr::counters
rpc bin_counters(EthPhyIntfBinCountersRequest) EthPhyIntfBinCountersResponse
Gets the current bin counters of the given ethernet interface.
EOS SDK reference: eos::eth_phy_intf_counter_mgr::bin_counters
rpc watch(EthPhyIntfWatchRequest) EthPhyIntfWatchResponse
Subscription to monitor interface events. This request stays active until the client cancels or the server shuts down. When all = false and no version is specified, this request has no effect.
EOS SDK reference:: eos::eth_phy_intf_handler (class)
rpc eth_phy_intfs(EthPhyIntfsRequest) EthPhyIntfsResponse
Returns the list of interfaces.
EOS SDK reference:: eos::eth_phy_intf_mgr::eth_phy_intf_iter
rpc exists(EthPhyIntfExistsRequest) EthPhyIntfExistsResponse
Returns whether the given physical ethernet interface exists.
If exists returns true, then this intf_id_t can be successfully passed into every method of the eth_intf_mgr. If not, then methods of the eth_intf_mgr can throw a no_such_interface_error exception.
The exists method of all *intf_mgr classes that manage a given interface (ie intf_mgr, eth_intf_mgr, and eth_phy_intf_mgr for physical interfaces) are all guaranteed to return the same result.
EOS SDK reference: : eos::eth_phy_intf_mgr::exists
rpc hardware_present(EthPhyIntfHardwarePresentRequest) EthPhyIntfHardwarePresentResponse
Returns whether the underlying hardware for this interface is present.
EOS SDK reference:: eos::eth_phy_intf_mgr::hardware_present
rpc burned_in_eth_addr(EthPhyIntfBurnedInEthAddrRequest) EthPhyIntfBurnedInEthAddrResponse
Returns the "burned in" address of the interface.
EOS SDK reference:: eos::eth_phy_intf_mgr::burned_in_eth_addr
rpc link_speed(EthPhyIntfLinkSpeedRequest) EthPhyIntfLinkSpeedResponse
Returns the operational link speed.
EOS SDK reference:: eos::eth_phy_intf_mgr::link_speed
rpc transceiver_present(EthPhyIntfTransceiverPresentRequest) EthPhyIntfTransceiverPresentResponse
Returns the presence of transceiver for the given interface
EOS SDK reference:: eos::eth_phy_intf_mgr::transceiver_present
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | Interface to query counters. |
Name | Value | Description |
counters | EthPhyIntfBinCounters | Counters for the requested interface. |
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | Interface to be queried for. |
Name | Value | Description |
eth_addr | bytes | Once hardware_present is true, burned_in_eth_addr is guaranteed to be available. Otherwise, the return is empty. |
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | Interface to query counters. |
Name | Value | Description |
counters | EthPhyIntfCounters | Counters for the requested interface. |
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | Interface ID to be checked. |
Name | Value | Description |
exists | bool | True if the interface exists. |
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | Interface ID to be checked. |
Name | Value | Description |
hardware_present | bool | True if hardware is present. |
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | Interface to be queried for. |
Name | Value | Description |
link_speed | EthPhyIntfLinkSpeed | One of the value speeds or ETH_PHY_INTF_LINK_SPEED_UNKNOWN if the hardware is not present. |
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | Interface to be queried for. |
Name | Value | Description |
transceiver_present | bool | True if the transceiver is present. |
Name | Value | Description |
ack | bool | Set to true when instant acknowledgment is desired. |
oneof options.all_intfs | bool | Subscribes events on all interfaces. |
oneof options.intf_id | IntfId | Subscribes for events on a specified interface. |
ack = True if message is only an acknowledgment or possible combinations of events. Whenever multiple events are present in a single message, the event on_eth_phy_intf_created, if present, is always the first in the sequence and the event on_eth_intf_deleted, if present, is always the last one in the original sequence. The order of the remaining events is not relevant.
Name | Value | Description |
on_eth_phy_intf_create | OnEthPhyIntfCreate | |
on_eth_phy_intf_delete | OnEthPhyIntfDelete | |
on_eth_phy_intf_hardware_present | OnEthPhyIntfHardwarePresent | |
on_eth_phy_intf_link_speed | OnEthPhyIntfLinkSpeed | |
on_eth_phy_intf_transceiver_present | OnEthPhyIntfTransceiverPresent | |
ack | bool | Simple acknowledgment. |
Empty message.
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | A present interface. |
Notification when a physical ethernet interface is created.
After on_eth_phy_intf_create is sent, the given intf_id is guaranteed to exist (ie eth_phy_intf_mgr::exists will return true). At that point, the intf_id can be used with all methods of the eth_phy_intf_mgr class.
This also means that the intf_id can be used with all other relevant *intf_mgr classes (ie intf_mgr and eth_intf_mgr).
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId |
Notification when a physical ethernet interface is deleted.
After on_eth_phy_intf_delete is sent, the given intf_id is guaranteed to not exist (ie eth_phy_intf_mgr::exists will return false). At that point, the intf_id cannot be used with any methods in the eth_phy_intf_mgr class.
This also means that the intf_id can no longer be used with all other relevant *intf_mgr classes (ie intf_mgr and eth_intf_mgr).
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId |
Notification when the presence of the underlying hardware for the physical ethernet interface changes.
When a physical interface goes from not-present to present, only on_eth_phy_intf_hardware_present is sent even though other attributes (like the link_speed) of the eth_phy_intf may have changed. Similarly, when the physical interface hardware goes from present to not-present, attributes of the eth_phy_intf (like the link_speed) that are based on the underlying hardware will go back to their default values even though specific events for these changes are not sent. It is up to the user to handle the new values of those attributes upon reception of on_eth_phy_intf_hardware_present handler.
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | |
hardware_present | bool |
Notification when the operational link speed changes.
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | |
link_speed | EthPhyIntfLinkSpeed |
Notification when a transceiver insertion or removal is detected.
Name | Value | Description |
intf_id | IntfId | |
transceiver_present | bool |