
DirectFlow management and status module

DirectFlow is a software feature that allows OpenFlow-like rules to be programmed in switch hardware manually. Because a DirectFlow enabled switch allows normal forwarding features to operate, it gives operators a reliable way of building for the exceptional “just this one feature” parts of their network in a flexible manner. This module allows for the management of DirectFlow configuration as well as reactions to changes in status of flows.

namespace eos
class flow_handler
#include <directflow.h>

Flow handler.

A flow handler is notified when the status of configured flows changes.

Public Functions

flow_handler(directflow_mgr *)
directflow_mgr * get_directflow_mgr() const
void watch_all_flows(bool)

Registers this class to receive updates on changes to flow state. Expects a boolean signifying whether notifications should be propagated to this instance or not.

void watch_flow(std::string const &, bool)

Registers this class to receive updates on changes to flow state for the given flow name. Expects the name of the flow to watch and a boolean signifying whether notifications should be propagated to this instance or not.

virtual void on_flow_status(std::string const &, flow_status_t)

Handler called when flow status changes.

class flow_entry_iter_t
#include <directflow.h>

An iterator providing forwards iteration through the configured flows.

Private Functions

flow_entry_iter_t(flow_entry_iter_impl * const)


friend class flow_entry_iter_impl
class directflow_mgr
#include <directflow.h>

DirectFlow configuration and status manager.

Public Functions

virtual ~directflow_mgr()
virtual flow_entry_iter_t flow_entry_iter() const = 0

Iterate across all configured flows.

virtual bool exists(std::string const &) const = 0

Tests for existence of a flow entry with the given name.

virtual flow_entry_t flow_entry(std::string const &) const = 0

Return the flow entry with the given name.

virtual void flow_entry_set(flow_entry_t const &) = 0

Insert or update a flow.

virtual void flow_entry_del(std::string const &) = 0

Delete a flow.

virtual flow_status_t flow_status(std::string const & name) const = 0

Return the status of the given flow.

virtual flow_rejected_reason_t flow_rejected_reason(std::string const & name) const = 0

The reason a flow was not programmed. Only valid if the flow’s status is FLOW_REJECTED

virtual flow_counters_t flow_counters(std::string const & name) const = 0

Return the counters for a flow.

Protected Functions


Private Members



friend class flow_handler

Type definitions in directflow

namespace eos


typedef uint16_t flow_priority_t
typedef uint16_t eth_type_t
typedef uint8_t cos_t


flow_status_t enum

Flow entry status.



    Flow created or modified in hardware.


    Flow removed from hardware.


    Flow not created.


    Flow requesting hardware resources.

flow_rejected_reason_t enum

Reason why a flow was not successfully created in hardware.



    Flow not created due to bad match criteria.


    Flow not created due to bad action criteria.


    Flow not created due to insufficient resources.


    Flow not created for some other reason.


    Flow not created due to unsupported action set.


    Flow not created due to unsupported timeouts set.

class flow_match_field_set_t
#include <directflow.h>

Defines the set of fields to match on flow.

Public Functions

void input_intfs_is(bool enabled)
bool input_intfs() const
void eth_src_is(bool enabled)
bool eth_src() const
void eth_dst_is(bool enabled)
bool eth_dst() const
void eth_type_is(bool enabled)
bool eth_type() const
void vlan_id_is(bool enabled)
bool vlan_id() const
void cos_is(bool enabled)
bool cos() const
void ip_src_is(bool enabled)
bool ip_src() const
void ip_dst_is(bool enabled)
bool ip_dst() const
bool operator==(flow_match_field_set_t const & other) const
bool operator!=(flow_match_field_set_t const & other) const
bool operator<(flow_match_field_set_t const & other) const
uint32_t hash() const

The hash function for type flow_match_field_set_t.

std::string to_string() const

Returns a string representation of the current object’s values.

Private Members

uint32_t match_bitset_


friend class flow_helper
friend std::ostream & operator<<

A utility stream operator that adds a string representation of flow_match_field_set_t to the ostream.

class flow_match_t
#include <directflow.h>

Match criteria for a flow.

Public Functions

flow_match_field_set_t match_field_set() const

Getter for ‘match_field_set’: the fields to match on.

void match_field_set_is(flow_match_field_set_t match_field_set)

Setter for ‘match_field_set’.

std::set< intf_id_t > const & input_intfs() const

Getter for ‘input_intfs’: the input interfaces to match on.

void input_intfs_is(std::set< intf_id_t > const & input_intfs)

Setter for ‘input_intfs’.

void input_intf_set(intf_id_t const & value)

Inserts one input_intf of ‘value’ to the set.

void input_intf_del(intf_id_t const & value)

Deletes one input_intf of ‘value’ from the set.

eth_addr_t eth_src() const

Getter for ‘eth_src’: the source Ethernet address to match on.

void eth_src_is(eth_addr_t eth_src)

Setter for ‘eth_src’.

void eth_src_is(eth_addr_t src, eth_addr_t mask)
eth_addr_t eth_src_mask() const
void eth_src_mask_is(eth_addr_t eth_src_mask)
eth_addr_t eth_dst() const

Getter for ‘eth_dst’: the destination Ethernet address to match on.

void eth_dst_is(eth_addr_t eth_dst)

Setter for ‘eth_dst’.

void eth_dst_is(eth_addr_t dst, eth_addr_t mask)
eth_addr_t eth_dst_mask() const
void eth_dst_mask_is(eth_addr_t eth_dst_mask)
eth_type_t eth_type() const

Getter for ‘eth_type’: the Ethernet type to match on.

void eth_type_is(eth_type_t eth_type)

Setter for ‘eth_type’.

vlan_id_t vlan_id() const

Getter for ‘vlan_id’: the VLAN id to match.

void vlan_id_is(vlan_id_t vlan_id)

Setter for ‘vlan_id’.

void vlan_id_is(vlan_id_t vlan_id, uint16_t mask)
vlan_id_t vlan_id_mask() const
void vlan_id_mask_is(vlan_id_t vlan_id_mask)
cos_t cos() const

Getter for ‘cos’: the class of service to match on, only used if vlan_id is set to something other than 0.

void cos_is(cos_t cos)

Setter for ‘cos’.

ip_addr_t ip_src() const

Getter for ‘ip_src’: the source IPv4 address to match on.

void ip_src_is(ip_addr_t const & ip_src)

Setter for ‘ip_src’.

void ip_src_is(ip_addr_t const & src, ip_addr_t const & mask)
ip_addr_t ip_src_mask() const
void ip_src_mask_is(ip_addr_t const & ip_src_mask)
ip_addr_t ip_dst() const

Getter for ‘ip_dst’: the destination IPv4 address to match on.

void ip_dst_is(ip_addr_t const & ip_dst)

Setter for ‘ip_dst’.

void ip_dst_is(ip_addr_t const & dst, ip_addr_t const & mask)
ip_addr_t ip_dst_mask() const
void ip_dst_mask_is(ip_addr_t const & ip_dst_mask)
bool operator==(flow_match_t const & other) const
bool operator!=(flow_match_t const & other) const
bool operator<(flow_match_t const & other) const
uint32_t hash() const

The hash function for type flow_match_t.

std::string to_string() const

Returns a string representation of the current object’s values.

Private Members

flow_match_field_set_t match_field_set_
std::set< intf_id_t > input_intfs_
eth_addr_t eth_src_
eth_addr_t eth_src_mask_
eth_addr_t eth_dst_
eth_addr_t eth_dst_mask_
eth_type_t eth_type_
vlan_id_t vlan_id_
vlan_id_t vlan_id_mask_
cos_t cos_
ip_addr_t ip_src_
ip_addr_t ip_src_mask_
ip_addr_t ip_dst_
ip_addr_t ip_dst_mask_


friend std::ostream & operator<<

A utility stream operator that adds a string representation of flow_match_t to the ostream.

class flow_action_set_t
#include <directflow.h>

Defines the set of enabled actions.

Public Functions

void set_output_intfs_is(bool enabled)
bool set_output_intfs() const
void set_vlan_id_is(bool enabled)
bool set_vlan_id() const
void set_cos_is(bool enabled)
bool set_cos() const
void set_eth_src_is(bool enabled)
bool set_eth_src() const
void set_eth_dst_is(bool enabled)
bool set_eth_dst() const
void set_ip_src_is(bool enabled)
bool set_ip_src() const
void set_ip_dst_is(bool enabled)
bool set_ip_dst() const
bool operator==(flow_action_set_t const & other) const
bool operator!=(flow_action_set_t const & other) const
uint32_t hash() const

The hash function for type flow_action_set_t.

std::string to_string() const

Returns a string representation of the current object’s values.

Private Members

uint32_t action_bitset_


friend class flow_helper
friend std::ostream & operator<<

A utility stream operator that adds a string representation of flow_action_set_t to the ostream.

class flow_action_t
#include <directflow.h>

Defines the actions to take on a matching flow.

Public Functions

flow_action_set_t action_set() const

Getter for ‘action_set’: actions that are enabled.

void action_set_is(flow_action_set_t action_set)

Setter for ‘action_set’.

std::set< intf_id_t > const & output_intfs() const

Getter for ‘output_intfs’: 0 or more the output interfaces, passing in the empty set will cause the packet to be dropped.

void output_intfs_is(std::set< intf_id_t > const & output_intfs)

Setter for ‘output_intfs’.

void output_intf_set(intf_id_t const & value)

Inserts one output_intf of ‘value’ to the set.

void output_intf_del(intf_id_t const & value)

Deletes one output_intf of ‘value’ from the set.

vlan_id_t vlan_id() const
void vlan_id_is(vlan_id_t vlan_id)
cos_t cos() const

Getter for ‘cos’: the class of service.

void cos_is(cos_t cos)

Setter for ‘cos’.

eth_addr_t eth_src() const

Getter for ‘eth_src’: the source Ethernet address.

void eth_src_is(eth_addr_t eth_src)

Setter for ‘eth_src’.

eth_addr_t eth_dst() const

Getter for ‘eth_dst’: the destination Ethernet address.

void eth_dst_is(eth_addr_t eth_dst)

Setter for ‘eth_dst’.

ip_addr_t ip_src() const

Getter for ‘ip_src’: the source IPv4 address.

void ip_src_is(ip_addr_t const & ip_src)

Setter for ‘ip_src’.

ip_addr_t ip_dst() const

Getter for ‘ip_dst’: the destination IPv4 address.

void ip_dst_is(ip_addr_t const & ip_dst)

Setter for ‘ip_dst’.

bool operator==(flow_action_t const & other) const
bool operator!=(flow_action_t const & other) const
uint32_t hash() const

The hash function for type flow_action_t.

std::string to_string() const

Returns a string representation of the current object’s values.

Private Members

flow_action_set_t action_set_
std::set< intf_id_t > output_intfs_
vlan_id_t vlan_id_
cos_t cos_
eth_addr_t eth_src_
eth_addr_t eth_dst_
ip_addr_t ip_src_
ip_addr_t ip_dst_


friend std::ostream & operator<<

A utility stream operator that adds a string representation of flow_action_t to the ostream.

class flow_entry_t
#include <directflow.h>

Defines a flow entry.

Public Functions

flow_entry_t(std::string const & name, flow_match_t match, flow_action_t action, flow_priority_t priority)
std::string name() const
flow_match_t match() const
flow_action_t action() const
flow_priority_t priority() const
bool operator==(flow_entry_t const & other) const
bool operator!=(flow_entry_t const & other) const
uint32_t hash() const

The hash function for type flow_entry_t.

std::string to_string() const

Returns a string representation of the current object’s values.

Private Members

std::string name_
flow_match_t match_
flow_action_t action_
flow_priority_t priority_


friend std::ostream & operator<<

A utility stream operator that adds a string representation of flow_entry_t to the ostream.

class flow_counters_t
#include <directflow.h>

Defines counters for a flow.

Public Functions

uint64_t bytes() const
uint64_t packets() const
bool operator==(flow_counters_t const & other) const
bool operator!=(flow_counters_t const & other) const
uint32_t hash() const

The hash function for type flow_counters_t.

std::string to_string() const

Returns a string representation of the current object’s values.

Private Members

uint64_t bytes_
uint64_t packets_


friend class flow_helper
friend std::ostream & operator<<

A utility stream operator that adds a string representation of flow_counters_t to the ostream.

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